Thursday, October 17, 2013

(Photos) The Lord is Good and Does Good - Part 2

The Lord is good and does good.  We are fully persuaded to expect His goodness because of His great love for us.  He isn't ashamed or hesitant to let us know it.  We ought to believe in who He is; how much He cares for us and loves us.  May we grow in the knowledge of His great goodness towards us.  Below are more testimonies about God revealing His goodness and how much He cares about you and I.  We know that He is yearning for us to know Him as He truly is (Jeremiah 9:23-24, Philippians 3:8).
Tiffany celebrated her birthday on Oct. 9, and Berasia celebrated her 2nd Birthday on Oct. 10.
I ordered an expensive real cream covered cake for my love's birthday.  The bakery didn't have cream that day, so instead of calling me (as I had requested), they covered and filled the cake with meringue frosting which my wife can't stand.  Why Jesus???!!!!  The Lord answered me, and used the opportunity to give me a "birthday" word for my wife concerning unexpected spiritual blessings.  Afterwards, 3 more unexpected things happened for my wife's birthday.  She even received a homemade card that was accidentally written on backwards although the person had tried to redo the card twice before!  It was just another testimony of things coming in a different way than expected!  God is wise and works all things together for our good!  My wife told everyone that this was one of the most special birthdays she's had in a long time!
Isaiah playing his new electric guitar
After hearing how much Isaiah loves playing the guitar, a missionary friend wrote to a guitar company she is acquainted with and they gladly donated a new electric guitar and small amp.  Now Isaiah has his own electric guitar!  He didn't think he would get one any time soon because of how much they cost.  The Lord is good!
Grandma with grandchildren
Grandma, Tyren's mom, arrived just in time to celebrate the birthdays, as well as Amerel's and Isaiah's which are in November.
As the Lord is showing us Himself, we are growing in the fear of His goodness.  He desires to be good to us, and to people around us.  Pray that the Lord would show us the favor of His face, that we may carry His heart.  Pray that my wife and I contend for His goodness toward our neighbor- extending love, salvation, healing, liberty and all that Christ yearns for the people He loves (John 3:16).

In the goodness of His love,  Tyren and Tiffany

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