Tuesday, July 3, 2012

TANZANIA 2012 – Maasai Land, July 24 through August 16

Iris Ministries Tanzania Director, Pastor Deus, myself, and
Pastor Deus' wife, Elizabeth
Last year while I was in Tanzania, someone from Iris Ministries Tanzania prophesied that I would take the gospel to the Maasai tribe. Well, now is the time! And even if I really do have to wear my Maasai outfit, there will be great joy in fulfilling the Lord’s word. This is going to be an awesome ministry time, and we believe God is going to move greatly and in new ways. July 24 – August 16, I will be ministering in both Maasai Land itself, and then returning to the city of Mwanza to hold a short leadership training for the 5 leaders of Iris Tanzania. Since Tiffany and I are planning the event, we’ll also be paying the costs of both events.  Here’s a brief look at what is being planned.

In Maasai Land – I will be doing the following: hosting a conference (both teaching and ministering) for pastors and others who work with the Maasai people; evangelism events including house-to-house evangelism where pastors/leaders will not only preach in word and in power, but also be like personal servants demonstrating the love of Christ at the huts (homes) we’ll be visiting. We know that we’ll be paying fare and accommodations for myself, Pastor Deus, and a translator (who speaks Maasai language) to travel from Mwanza, Tanzania, to Maasai land, and paying for at least one meal for the pastors per day. (I was told that we will either stay in tents that we provide ourselves, or we can pay to have a small hut built for us. This is going to be an interesting trip full of surprises!)

2011:  Myself and Pastor Deus

 Iris Leadership Training – For about four days, I’ll hold a short training on leadership for the 5 Iris Ministries Tanzania leaders and their spouses (10 people in all) in the city of Mwanza. We’ll need to pay for their food, accommodations while in Mwanza, and return fare to their village/town. This will also be a special time for the Iris Leaders to have a face to face meeting to prepare for the new things God is doing in their ministry (because of costs it’s not easy for them to arrange such meetings for themselves).

Partner With Us
We’d like to extend to you the opportunity to help us with “Tanzania 2012 – Maasai Land” and the Iris Leader’s meeting. Firstly, please join us in praying for both events. We feel that God has new and different things planned for this awesome trip. You are also welcome to donate financially. Please send checks to Church of the Living God, 199 Deming St., Manchester CT 06042, and write ‘Haynes – Tanzania 2012’ in the memo. Or, you could donate online at http://www.clgonline.net/Missions/Missionaries.aspx.  Please send us a quick email with the amount you donate, so that we can set it aside for Tanzania 2012. If possible, please send your donations by July 25.

We’ll send you more detailed information soon (Pastor Deus just arrived back from Maasai Land on Monday). Please pray for “Tanzania 2012 – Maasai Land” that the winds of the Spirit would blow, His rain would come abundantly, and His fire would fall all over. Join us in praying for salvations, healings, miracles, pastors who will continue to faithfully carry on God’s work with the Maasai tribes, and that I would be bold, bringing forth clear teaching, and prophetically demonstrating the love and kingdom of God.

In His great love,

Tyren and Tiffany Haynes