Friday, December 31, 2010
Christmas in the Prison
Unfortunately, while inside the prison, I was not allowed to take a photo of all the items that were dropped off.
Again, HAPPY NEW YEAR and may 2011 be a year full of great surprises!
In the love of Christ,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Merry Christmas With Love
We thank the Lord for all of your love, prayers and support. May the Lord abundantly bless you and open your eyes to the treasure that awaits those who are “sold-out” to Him. May you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year full of Christ’s blessing and love.
Celebrating Christmas in Assumane Village
(Tyren) I’ve been reading through the book of Luke, and wasn’t going to read Nahum when it caught my attention as I opened my Bible. But, God gives good things, so I began reading. Part of Nahum 1:3 says, “God has His way in the whirlwind and the storm.” I didn’t know why I felt it was so important to me, but I kept this scripture in my heart. The focus isn’t on our problems; it’s on the One who is still working His pleasure and good will in our lives in the midst of adversities with power to destroy. The same day, on Friday afternoon, a strong wind and pelting rain came down and destroyed the grass hut we used as our Church in Assumane Village. Then, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the scripture He gave me several hours before. Without yet knowing what we’d do and where we’d meet, I had a great peace. God works everything together for good to those who love Him (Romans 8:28). One thing I know – reality will only be experienced while focusing on Jesus and the beautiful things He is doing even in the midst of circumstances that cannot produce any good. This past Christmas Sunday, we celebrated Jesus outside under the blaring sun and brief showers of light rain that refreshed us. We found ourselves in the presence of God, with some worshipping on their knees as the Lord was touching and preparing hearts to receive more of Himself. The children rejoiced in Sunday school as they each received a pack of cookies, candy and chips. We handed out gifts: scented bath soap, cookies and flavored soda, to all the adults.
Some people didn’t come as they thought service would not continue due to the destroyed church hut, but the few that did come were willing to rejoice in the Lord. During worship, everyone began to move around and pray for one another and speak blessing into one another’s lives (even the children joined in). During this time, a little village boy who didn’t know Jesus Christ walked into the church and agreed to receive prayer, too. The rest of the service briefly paused as this little boy was told about Jesus Christ, and then he gladly accepted Him as His Savior. Hallelujah!!!
Tyren, Tiffany, Amerel, Isaiah and Chayah
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Some Dreams Need to be Canceled
It was Tuesday and time to go to the prison. On this day I felt kind of “blah”, and like nothing much was going to happen, but ministry isn’t rooted in how we feel. While singing praises to the Lord with the prisoners, I kept having the thoughts about 2-3 people, who weren’t part of the group of believers, having bad dreams and who needed a personal word. After teaching, I told the group of believers what the Lord revealed to me, and then asked them to go out to all the other prisoners around the court and ask them to come for prayer if they were having bad dreams. Some of the believers in my group were surprised when about 15 other prisoners came to ask for prayer. A word of knowledge can open people’s eyes to the greatness of God. I told those who came for prayer about the love of God, and about Jesus the Son of God, whom many of them don’t believe in, who was about to set them free. So many other things could have been said or done on this day. But, we are learning more and more each day to let Jesus have His way and do what’s important to Him. Just imagine. Unbelievers who didn’t want to sit among the group of believers to learn about Jesus Christ, came for prayer because they heard that this same Jesus knew they were suffering from bad dreams and wanted to set them free. People will come to know the Lord sometimes, not by what we say (especially if they don’t want to hear), but by what our actions speak as we give personal demonstrations that answer issues deep in their hearts.
Jesus Heals In Special Ways
“My back hurts”, said one of the prisoners. “I’m having very, very difficult problems”, said another. I told them to run, lift up their hands in victory, and shout the words the Lord directed me to have them say. They had to “shout” quietly because we were inside the prison with certain rules that we must abide by. Right afterwards, the man with pain in his back said it was a lot better. A few minutes later, he said, with a big smile on his face, “The pain is gone.” Jesus knows how to heal, and in the prison I’m learning He heals people in such a way that brings them inner freedom, and opens their hearts to Him.
We are praying that one day we can take some photos of our ministry work in the inner prison yard, and projects we are supporting. We thank you for your support that enabled us to purchase 20 hoes to help with the prison’s garden program. We are also in the process of helping the prison construct a huge oven with a chimney which will prevent prisoners from having to cook meals inside a smoke-filled room for 300+ inmates and many of the prison guards.
Prison Ministry was started in 2009, and focuses on opening the way for prisoners to enter their God given destiny. Currently, each week on Tuesdays, Tyren and Felix, who is a Mozambican coach on the floorball team, meet with a group of inmates who are believers and disciple them as well as equip them to evangelize while they are within the prison. Material provisions are donated for those in need. The Holy Spirit graciously moves to bring salvation to the lost, prophetic words, healing, encouragement and wisdom to both Muslim and Christian prisoners. Projects are also being coordinated with the prison authorities to bring material provisions, activities and other things that will benefit the entire prison population.
With love in Christ,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunday School Begins
Sunday School in the Village: A few weeks ago I started Sunday School in the Assumane church. It starts at 9:00 and right after ending in prayer we start the regular worship service. For several weeks, we’ll be teaching on Jesus Christ and Salvation in order to establish the fundamentals in the hearts of the children. Since many of the children may not come every week, the same lesson is repeated twice before moving onto the next. This series will continue until we see that the children have a good understanding of Jesus Christ and the basics of salvation. The Lord is gracious in giving us the subject matter, dramatized teaching and activities. One Sunday, we even had lots of the adults in church join in to help the children make a paper chain activity.
Prayer for Assumane Church and Village: Please pray for the Lord to break the cycle of fear that is being imposed on muslims in the villages if they visit the Assumane church. Many visit and do not come back, but they welcome us to visit them and pray for them in the village roads and even at their houses. Assumane is such a beautiful village, and many people there are so kind and helpful. It would be wonderful for them to be free to attend the church if they so choose. What we’ve been informed of is that visitors to our church are told that if they continue to come to the church, when they die no one (their family) will bury them, and the church will just leave them to rot or burn their bodies instead of burying them. The people who attend the church trust the Lord, and know that the church community will bury them if they or their families do not have the means to do so. Pray for the Lord to give the Assumane church boldness, power and wisdom in bringing the love and truth of Jesus Christ to the individual people in the village. Pray that spiritual strongholds would be broken and light would replace darkness. The former leaders of the Assumane church are traveling outside of Mozambique, and for an undetermined time Tyren is overseeing the church in Assumane village.
Pray with us and for us as we cry out to experience more of the presence and power of God in the village, the hospital, the prison, the floorball teams and in the streets of Lichinga. Jesus is so wonderful- we just must have more and more of Him in our lives.
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Food Stories (for the Beginners)
Food Miracle
One day we had regular beans and rice again for lunch. While we were eating, the Lord surprised us and somehow “put” cheddar cheese into the beans. We couldn’t see the cheese, but ohh, the flavor was beautiful! The next day, we ate beans and rice again. At first, it tasted like regular beans and rice. The Holy Spirit prompted me to ask for cheese again in our beans. So, I prayed out loud and we began to eat. Right after I prayed, suddenly, all of us were tasting cheddar cheese again with our beans and rice. We praised the Lord for His blessing, and thanked Him for the cheese! Yes, our family likes cheese-a lot! And if you are thinking, “Why didn’t they ask for meat?”, well that thought crossed our minds, too. But, Jesus knows just what we need. You are welcome to put that meat request on your prayer list for us.
Making and Tasting New Foods
I (Tyren) have been dreaming of having “pop tarts” for a while, and was thinking of making up a recipe to make some. Yesterday, Tiffany made homemade “pop tarts”- some of which she filled with cinnamon and sugar, and others she filled with strawberry jam which some people from a local Catholic church made. It’s so beautiful how Jesus enables my wife and I to have some of the same desires at the same time. It helps us surprise one another with things we’ve been wanting.
Have you ever wondered how some of the wild animals in Africa taste? A few weeks ago we finally got to taste native African bush meat, that is, wild boar. We had a nice sized leg which we baked and shared with Victo and many of the other missionaries at our center. It had a strong “gamey” taste to it, but was tender and very nice. It tasted more like regular pork after we fried it in oil the next morning.
Now those food stories weren’t bad at all, right? But if you feel for us in any way, remember that you can always get a Priority Mail Flat Rate Box from your local post office and send us some goodies (including canned meat) in the mail! On another note, continue to pray for the Lord to direct our hearts into deeper experiences in His presence, boldness to rise up and declare the word of the Lord, and that Jesus would open the hearts of the Mozambican people to hear His word and do His will.
Jesus is so wonderful!
Love, Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Monday, October 18, 2010
Bringing Floorball to Villages
Last Thursday (10/7), several tournaments were held all day in the city’s sports arena to host 100’s of kids from around 8 years old to teenagers. The top winners received special prizes, including sports’ shirts or shorts, and everyone who participated received nice prizes. In preparation of the event, Celio and some of the coaches made 4 more goals out of PVC tubing. We used fishing net to cover the goals. We only needed a little bit, but had to purchase the shortest length available - 100 meters long (~300 ft.) and 4 meters (~12 ft.) high. Of course, we had plenty of fishing net left over!
On Saturday (10/9), we had a wonderful time in Namacula introducing children to floorball, and singing and dancing (in the dirt again) to African songs of various languages. I asked Victo to come along with the Swiss Team and Mozambican coaches so he could help run the sound system. Some of the ladies on the Swiss team led the crowd in a silly song in English about a banana. The children enjoyed it so much that the ladies did it again. Then, we attempted to play the Jesus film, but couldn’t get it to run properly. So, we played a powerful film about a muslim man who converted to Christianity because Jesus revealed Himself to him through dreams. Victo preached after the film and many people, including children, gave their lives to Christ. Then we called for the sick, and many people came to the front to receive prayer. In the beginning, some of my Mozambican coaches were kind of timid, but they slowly got courage and began to pray for people. It was very dark outside and I had forgotten to bring the floodlight which runs off the generator. So, I turned the lights on from my truck, and pointed them toward the platform to make “spotlights”. Praise God who does all things well!
On Friday, the Swiss team returned back to Switzerland. Pray that Jesus would help the coaches to continue floorball in Namacula and other areas of the city. Also pray that Jesus would give me wisdom, plans, and greater vision to disciple the coaches and young men and women players now that the floorball camp is over. Sports is a “language” that transcends many boundaries, and our floorball teams are open to everyone. We pray that Jesus would use floorball to declare the good news of Jesus Christ to youth and develop the lives of young people in Lichinga and beyond.
The Director of Floorball4All in Switzerland and Tyren
In the joy of Christ,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Monday, October 4, 2010
Jesus! Lets Play Floorball!!!
Below are several pictures to give you a glimpse of some things that have been happening.
Swiss and Mozambicans working together to make a goal
Teaching the Parable of the Lost Sheep
A team was started for girls
Our floorball camp was aired on national radio and TV (Celio being interviewed by the radio station)
Handing out diplomas for completing the Floorball Camp (2nd from the right: Director of Sports for the Province of Niassa, Mozambique. He is also in the first photo on top)
Please continue to pray for God's prescence to be upon the Floorball activities and that we will all encounter Him in life changing ways.
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Gearing Up for Floorball Trainings
We are preparing for the 2 weeks of floorball training and discipleships that start on Sept 28. A team of 12 Christians will arrive from Switzerland on Monday to run the event. Tyren is busy coordinating things with the floorball team here in Lichinga and working on some logistic details. This is an opportunity for the lives of many young people to be greatly impacted with the love and goodness of Jesus Christ in the sports' arena, and for a lasting impact of the sports' department here in Lichinga as well. (To the left is a photo of kids with palm branches they use as hockey sticks. Our floorball teams use professional looking plastic sticks).
When we returned to Mozambique, we found out that the original information we received about Chayah’s Mozambican residence was incorrect. Since Chayah has a U.S. passport now, we had to apply for her temporary residence visa to remain in Mozambique. We recently traveled to Blantyre, Malawi (~15 hour drive there and back) to apply for Chayah’s visa. We were thankful for our truck, which held up well on the bumpy dirt roads. If you read the news on the web a few weeks ago, you know that prices, especially food, across Mozambique are on the rise. These costs include our yearly visas which formerly cost about $100 but now will cost us more than $800 per person each year to renew (for adults). Children’s visas are renewed every 5 years.
More than ever, we understand that the cost of true discipleship is everything. Faced with Jesus’ burning passion for the city and children in the villages, we know that nothing will suffice except Him alone. As missionaries, if we want to minister to Him and experience His glory, we can have none of our own dreams, desires and self-ambitions. Time after time, we are laying down more and more for the sake of Jesus who died to give us His life. May God’s presence awaken His people and the lost in Lichinga to the newness of life in Christ, and to the beauty and joy of laying down their plans, desires and dreams to live for His.
In the joy of knowing Jesus,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Monday, September 6, 2010
Return to Lichinga, Mozambique
We are in Lichinga, Mozambique and are doing well. We’ve been unpacking, cleaning our house, getting the home school room prepared for this year, and adjusting to having a walking one-year old in the house.
We thank all of you who made our time in the U.S. truly special. You touched our hearts with love, and even in brief comments; so many of you encouraged our hearts and opened our eyes to see more of the beauty of the Lord’s work in Lichinga and all of Mozambique. We thank you so much for making our time in the U.S. unforgettable, filled with surprises and full of God’s love. You are so special to us.
(A special note goes out to all of those at our church family, Church of the Living God in Manchester, CT from Tiffany: I so much appreciated seeing all of you, even if we only got to chat once or exchange a smile of greeting during our time in the states. You don’t know how much it means to know that we have a church family back in the states praying for us, thinking of us and supporting us with love and prayer! We so appreciate you!)
Wow! We’ve Got Wheels
Our good God did it again. Last week, we purchased a Nissan Terrano 4X4 truck from another missionary who left the country. It’s a 5 seater, with 2 additional fold down seats in the rear that give ample storage room when folded up. Last year, one of our prayer partners sent us a green toy truck saying that she believed that our truck would be green. Well, our Nissan is dark green. Thank all of you who prayed and believed God with us, and supported us to help make this possible. We praise God for the means to advance in ministry, and for greater opportunity to travel together as a family.
Continue to Pray for Mozambique and Us
There’s nothing better than to go “lower still” as Heidi Baker, co-founder of Iris Ministries puts it. Our hearts are on fire, aflame with Jesus’ love that is drawing us ever lower in Christ-like humility. We are less dependent on our selves, but in full expectancy of what Jesus can do in our lives and ministry. Pray with us, believe with us, contend with us as we seek God to fill Lichinga with His presence. We just want more of you, Jesus!
Our truck. Hallelujah!
Annelisa Wilcox, co-leader of children's center, with 2 of the 3 orphans that were just received
Truly in love with Jesus,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
View Our Video Online
1. Go to
2. Find our photo on the page
3. In our section, click on the link called LATEST VIDEO UPDATE!
Enjoy! Please continue to pray that Jesus would use us to impact the nation of Mozambique and beyond with His love and power.
In Christ's Love,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Goodness of God Endures Continually
The Lord is good. While we have been travelling to visit friends and family from Connecticut to Virginia, God has been greatly impacting our hearts through deeper revelations of His goodness. His goodness is changing our expectation for what God can and will do no matter what situation or circumstance we encounter. Part of a scripture in Hosea 3:5 mentions fearing the “…Lord and His goodness…”. The goodness of God can cause a Godly fear (holy reverence) within us. Here’s some of our testimonies about the goodness of God.
5 years ago our family went on a vacation to “Colonial” Williamsburg, Virginia. As we drove past nice looking hotels and suites, we briefly talked to one another about how it would feel to go on a vacation and stay in a nice place. I, Tyren, had forgotten about the brief conversation. Well, this year, someone gave us a free 4 day/3 night stay in a resort suite in Williamsburg, Virginia. It was bigger than the apartment we had in Vernon, CT. We had our own bathroom and the kids had theirs, a balcony overlooking a pond where we could feed geese and ducks, a washer and dryer, onsite miniature golf and video game rooms…our bathroom even had the type of toilet I like (yes, Jesus notices those things, too). The Lord is good. When we forget and stop thinking about our dreams, the Lord may continue to think about them and plan for them.
A perfect stranger in the car ahead of us at one of the toll booths we had to drive through paid for our toll.
No one knew we wanted Godly nature videos for our children, but someone gave us a set from Moody Bible Institute.
Someone paid for our children’s tickets at Historic Colonial Williamsburg.
Someone who found out that Chayah needed immunizations paid for them. The doctor we met with didn’t charge us for the appointment.
Someone offered to pay half of the cost of us renting a vehicle (~ $440) for our 32 days of travelling.
We’ve been treated to many meals at people’s homes and in restaurants. And people have accommodated us in their homes for many days.
Our kids did many crafts at the Gardner's house in Maryland
Through His goodness the Lord is actually teaching us to see beyond natural limitations, and trust Him for the things He dreams about doing upon the earth and through our lives. If we fear the Lord and His goodness, He will put us into expectation more than our circumstances and situations do. The goodness of God endures continually (Psalm 52:1). We won’t understand everything, but we can expect the Lord to be good and gracious every day and in every situation. He is both sovereign and good. What is He doing for you right now?
In Christ we live,
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Vacation - Having Fun With Jesus
The Haynes Family is doing well. We are away from our home and mission field of Mozambique, but not away from “missions”.
On June 25, our little Chayah turned 1 year old. One of the reasons the Lord sent us back to the U.S. during this time was to celebrate Chayah’s first birthday with my parents. Jesus values relationships and family. It was exciting to hear my dad’s exclamation as he watched Chayah taking some of her first steps, and also seeing his proud look when she cried for him as he left for work in the afternoon.
Currently we are on a 5 day vacation at Sandy Cove Ministries in Maryland ( This is an exciting place full of God’s presence and goodness along with food, games and activities for the whole family. There are scheduled times every day for the kids to do activities with other children in their age group that involve some bible teaching along with just plain fun so the parents can spend time with God alone and each other. Jesus is truly giving us a valuable time just to hang out and indulge ourselves in being with one another. I (Tyren) wouldn’t trade these 5 days for 5 days of experiencing the salvations, healings and other ministry that happens in Mozambique (as wonderful as it is to take part in it)!
Jesus has been showering us with His love and goodness in so many ways. Let me share this short story Amerel told me to illustrate this. Amerel and Isaiah were looking at toys here at Sandy Cove. Another child wanted one, but didn’t have any money. The man selling them said that he wished he could give one away free but he couldn’t. While they were looking at the toys, he asked Amerel and Isaiah where they were from and Amerel told him that she and Isaiah were missionaries in Mozambique. The man said, “I never met missionaries from there before”. While they were telling me the story, the Lord showed me that the man was overjoyed with the fact that Jesus is touching nations, even nations like Mozambique. Then, the man gave our kids their choice of not 1, but 2 free toys. We thank the Lord for His goodness. But, the blessing behind the free toy blessing was seeing the effect that the name and work of Jesus has on people. The man was so moved by what Jesus is doing in a nation he’s not familiar with, that he gave away toys that he couldn’t give away before. Our kids were blessed, but the man did it for Jesus. Isn’t our Lord amazing?
This is just a short blog to let you know how we are doing. We love you. Please continue to remember us in prayer. The Lord is renewing our minds, and opening up new opportunities for us through fresh revelation dawning in our hearts. We’ll continue traveling through the end of July to meet with friends and family on the east coast.
In Christ’s love,
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Updates and On Our Way to the U.S.
Prison House
This past Tuesday at the prison, we had the privilege of having another powerful time of ministry through Jesse Gallatly, a missionary at our center, who shared his testimony and ministered to the men at the prison. Jesse spent time in jail in the U.S., but his life has been radically changed. He now walks in the power of the Holy Spirit and love, sends demons running, and is raising up a mighty team of young men to evangelize in the villages. Condela, a Mozambican friend, also shared his testimony and encouraged the young men. Several new inmates came forward to receive Jesus as their Savior.
Visiting the U.S.
Sunday, May 16, we’re flying to Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, to apply for Chayah’s U.S. documentation so we can bring her back to the U.S. with us. We’ll be in Maputo for about 2 weeks before flying to the U.S. We are going to miss our Mozambican friends and family who have become so precious to us. We are also looking forward to the times of ministry, refreshing, blessing and family vacation that awaits us in the U.S. We know the Lord is sending us back for 3 months and will give us an awesome time with friends and family. Here’s a brief look at our schedule the next 3 months:
May 16: Leave Lichinga to spend 2 weeks in Maputo, Mozambique to apply for Chayah's U.S. passport and other docs. We'll be staying at the Iris Ministries children’s center.
May 29: Arrive in the U.S.
June 1 - June 26: In Connecticut
June 27 - end of July: Traveling through New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania to visit family friends and vacation.
End of July - August 25: In Connecticut
August 26: Leave for Mozambique
Our new kitchen cabinets and shelves that Andrew, missionary at our center, built
Please continue to pray for the Lord’s work here in Mozambique while we are away. Ministry in the hospital, prison, the children’s ministry, ministry to the youth floorball team, and ministry on the streets and villages surrounding the city are going well.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Friday, May 7, 2010
Dreams of God: Children’s Fun Day in Assumane
I thought the best way to open up this blog was with beautiful photos of Fun Day in Assumane Village on April 24. “You’re buying 50 sacks just for children to jump in them,” a boy from the market exclaimed while giving me a surprised look like I was wasting money and good sacks. But, the kingdom of God is about changing our perspective to delight in the things Jesus enjoys. With the help of other missionaries, we also bought 1200 bolos and bajeia, 600 bags of chips, rope, markers and individuals purchased other things that were used for the “Fun Stations”. During some parts of the day, we must have had over 400 children participating at one time. We had 8 different “Fun Stations” (games and activities spread out in the soccer field) along with some other activities that spontaneously started. These included bozo buckets, finger puppet crafts, limbo and high jump, jump rope and more.
Before I continue, I have to explain that many children in the villages, including Assumane, are not used to the kind of structure and discipline like you many find in many western elementary schools. Forming and keeping lines and rows, waiting your turn, taking turns, and staying seating while being served are just a few of the many challenges we faced. So, when we tried to form lines to do sack races with 50 sacks, it turned into jump wherever you want and grab a sack from another child when you can (even if the other child is still in the sack). It was so fun!
Although handing out over 500 bolos (fried sweetened donut thing), went surprisingly well, handing out 600 bejeia (patties made of bean flour) right after became so wild and out of control that we had to stop handing them out. But, love endures all things. So, later that day, Victor, Carlos and I went throughout the village and handed out hundreds of bajeia to very happy children and some adults.
Debbie who is a Christian and trained ventriloquist is visiting our center along with her husband Dominic. She organized songs, activities with puppets, a magic trick to demonstrate Jesus’ willingness to forgive our sin, and picture cards to share the gospel. Of course, many children and adults enjoyed this, and many received Christ. It was a beautiful and powerful way to end the day.
Thank you for all of your prayers for the first Assumane Fun Day! I don’t know all that Jesus has in store for us in the future, but I’m already dreaming with God about things to do in other villages to help the hearts of Children experience the reality of the love that Christ has for them in fun and activity filled ways. As you pray, join us in having sweet dreams with Jesus and lots of fun!
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
(We would have updated you sooner but normal internet connections are not working in northern Mozambique. We are connecting now via a satellite at a hotel in Lichinga. Remember: We'll be in the U.S., June 1 - August 25. See you soon!)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dreams of God: The Prison and FUN DAY
Dreams of God: The Prison Doors are Opening
Jesus’ work in the prison continues to grow. He’s not only working within the hearts of men within the church in the prison, but also within the hearts of the other believers and non-believers who do not fellowship with us. The past three weeks, I asked different people to come and minister at the prison. First, Victo used a drama to teach a powerful word about humbling ourselves before God. Then the following week, Christian Jung (, a missionary at our center from the U.S., brought a mighty word on repentance. The Holy Spirit moved upon hearts as we laid ourselves on the ground before the Lord and asked Him to help us look beyond ourselves and love others (Matthew 25:34-40). Afterwards, our team split up and ministered to prisoners around the inner courtyard. This past Tuesday, we had the privilege of having Dominic Gaccette, visiting our center from California, minister at the prison. He is the founder of the B.A.D.D. Organization which stands for Born Again Delivered Disciples ( Dominic taught on making a firm decision to pursue God’s purpose and destiny without turning back to one’s old way of life nor giving into a life of sin.
As we started our meeting yesterday (April 20th), for some reason, all the prisoners who didn’t want to join our group were ordered to be locked inside their rooms (with pad locks on the steel doors). Nothing like this ever happened before. Usually, the muslims and other unbelievers sit around the courtyard, listening and eagerly watching. Many of them have begun to ask for prayer and others have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. As some people prayed and asked Jesus to help release the prisoners, I went to pour out my heart to ask the guard to unlock the doors and release the prisoners to hear the word of God and receive prayer. Later, as we continued to worship, the doors were unlocked. After Dominic shared his testimony (he spent many years in and out of U.S. prisons and jails), several prisoners (including a few who were let out of their locked rooms) received Christ, and others came for prayer. Hallelujah!
More Dreams of God: Children’s Fun Day in Assumane Village
It’s a reality! This Saturday, April 24, we are going to spend 3 hours of games, food, puppets, music and dancing with, literally, hundreds of children in Assumane Village. As many of you may know, it’s a “dream come true” for me. Missionaries and local Mozambicans are going to join together and have a blast in the presence of God with fun, love, joy and so much more. Pray that Jesus' presence, peace, order, His love through our lives, joy and power will shower everyone during this event.
In Love,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Top Photo: Tyren and Christian Jung outside prison gate
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Updates On the Haynes Family
May you rejoice in the love and life with God that our Savior Jesus Christ has freely given us
We are all going back to visit the U.S. from June thru August 2010! Let us know in advance if you’d like us to share about the Lord’s work here in your church, or share/minister at other events. As it looks now, we’ll spend extended times in CT, NJ and Maryland, and will spend several days on a family vacation in the Chesapeake Bay area.
Family Updates
Tiffany writes: This past year since Chayah’s birth has been very interesting for me. God has brought me through many things and has brought me to the “end of myself” several times. What I mean by this, is that I’ve been brought to the place where I’ve felt that I had nothing within myself to give anymore while going through a certain situation or “struggle”. I had to find out that being satisfied with what God has placed there for me in that situation is enough for me. It’s been an interesting journey and I’m glad that I’ve been able to grow closer to God and my family through it all. On occasion, God has also given me opportunities to share the things He’s been teaching me about Himself and the contentment and satisfaction that is mine when I reach out and accept it.
Tyren writes: As a family, the Lord is continuing to transform us and bring us into greater intimacy with Him, and give us new revelation about life with Him. Our vision is clear, Jesus is everything. As we mentioned in the beginning of the year, 2010 is still a year of fruitfulness – His increase into our ministry. As we are being lavished in His love, faith is arising to trust God, and launch out into new opportunities that the Holy Spirit reveals to us. Sometimes such opportunities can be seen in physical things such as going to Tanzania, building a fence, supporting the building of the children’s ministry center, coming to the U.S. again, etc. Yet, more and more, we are taking notice of the things the Father is working within our hearts, and trusting Him to perform what He shows us.
Elias teaching Isaiah guitar
Pray for us :
Pray that the Lord will continue to stir up our children’s giftings, and give them understanding and vision for their lives and living overseas.
The Lord will provide us with a vehicle to travel in while being in the U.S.
Believe God with us for our own 4x4 vehicle for ministry in the city and the villages of Lichinga, and for going out together as a family. A 4x4 truck is needed for driving on bad roads, mud and through water during rainy season, and for carrying equipment. The estimated cost for a used, low mileage, good quality vehicle is between $13000 - $15,000 U.S.
All for our risen and living King Jesus,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Friday, March 26, 2010
The Priority of His Presence
I had explained to all the workers that while they are working on our property, they had to honor the presence of the Lord or they wouldn’t be able to continue working. Wednesday, I reminded the boss of the group about the importance of living for the glory of God and abiding in His presence. This Thursday, when the boss of the group, who is also a Christian, arrived at my house, he told me that he let 3 of the workers go. These were the 3 who were doing the actual building of the wall! He told me that they weren’t working hard, and then he found out that they weren’t honoring the Lord like I had talked to them about. So, he paid them, and then fired them.
I was so excited. I didn’t know who would build the wall, but I knew the Lord was filling me with a lot of joy and peace. We honored His presence above all else. Because we chose Jesus, we had everything we needed. Faith filled our hearts to press forward with the work. I was also thrilled that the boss of the group (a Mozambican) chose to live for the Lord, and not give in to the attitude of the workers. Amazingly, the past two days the work has gone extremely well. About 250 feet of the total ~ 480 foot wall is up to half its height.
Pray that the Lord’s work in the men’s lives goes well, the wall is completed quickly and in a way that honors the Lord, and that the Lord continues to work in the boss’s heart and leads him into the purposes He has for him.
Part of our exisiting grass fence on the hill with the cement wall being built around it
Children’s Ministry Center and Children's Ministry
The men are working hard on laying the foundation for the Children’s Ministry Center. Christian Jung, another ministry at our center, is overseeing the building project and is also discipling these men preparing their hearts for the Lord. This past Wednesday, Victo, Carlos and I taught the children using puppets. Afterwards, the Lord gave us a special time with the children, leading them in worshipping the Lord through prayer, blessing them and prophesying over their lives.
We led the children over to their ministry center. Some of them thought it was going to be a big building just for people to live in. Victo helped explain to them that it’s Jesus’ special place for them to have fun, learn about Him and experience His presence; and they won’t have to worry about getting rained on. We all thanked Jesus for the center, and prayed for the workers also. Jesus gave us a beautiful time.
A few weeks ago, the Lord showed me His presence coming down like rain. In the midst of the falling rain (which was actually His presence), children were being brought. He told me, my job is just to receive them. I must receive them because the rain has already begun. It’s the time of the abundance of rain. I believe that if we prepare for the rain, we’ll see the great harvest of children the Lord intends on giving to us. No one knows exactly what it will look like. But, just imagine, a bunch of children who have been so loved by Jesus, that they flow in the Holy Spirit (carried about by the river of living water), and carry the Father’s heart wherever the Spirit desires. It’s one thing to have a vision, but it’s another thing to trust God until we actually experience the vision (what the Lord sees and is desiring for our lives).
Let’s pray together, and worship the Lord together, as we believe Him and trust Him for the harvest of children He longs to bring to Himself.
Children and others standing in the plot for the Children's Ministry Center
All for the joy of living in His love,
Tyren and Tiffany
Friday, March 19, 2010
Glory in the Prison and Ministry
In the previous blog I shared about the prison. But something special happened during last week’s prison ministry, and I just have to share it with you. We experience His presence in the prison, but on this day, the Lord Himself showed up. It wasn’t just His presence. God Himself was with us. The glory covered us. I wish I had words to describe it. You might be wondering about what happened. I delayed teaching when my time came – it was not time for such things (2 Chronicles 5:14). Instead everyone worshipped Him. He drew our hearts into the privilege of being awed by who He is. If He’s not enough for us, nothing will ever satisfy us. I sat down in awe, seeing that this was God’s time and His ministry. I felt like God Himself was ministering to us, and that we were there just to serve Him (and minister) only if He called upon us that very moment to do so. It was a very holy time.
Pray that the Lord renews the minds of the believers behind bars to believe and walk in their inheritance in Christ; and that revival would come to the prison.
Cement Block Wall
At our center, a project can never just be about doing something. It’s about the Lord doing His work (Psalm 127:1) of building lives, temples for the Lord. The Lord has me teaching the boss of the group mainly about His glory. The boss (a Christian), thought that he came here just to build a wall, but the Lord brought him here for a completely different purpose. Jesus has a wonderful surprise for him. I’m eager to see what it is myself. On March 17, the workers began building the wall. Most of the wall will be about 7 feet tall.
Night Street Evangelism
A group of the missionaries at our center, including three visitors to our center, went out to evangelize the central market area at night. This was our first night street evangelism. Through the Holy Spirit, we spoke life and love into people’s lives. Victo led a man to the Lord while the man’s friends around him were laughing. Another heard us speaking about Jesus, and asked us to pray about his eye problems. A word of knowledge and prophecy was given to a Christian young man who then prayed to surrender his way to the Lord and ask Jesus to give him direction for the purpose of his life. Jesus used us to do many wonderful things, and we thank Him for the privilege of serving Him.
Pray that the people of Lichinga continue to appreciate the word of the Lord, and keep their hearts open to the gospel. Also pray that the Lord’s presence would continue to transform the city and awaken hearts to His plan, way and destiny for Lichinga.
Grace for grace,
Tyren and Tiffany
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Prison
While an area is being cleared for us to worship and teach, we have time to greet the many muslim and other prisoners. One young man had malaria and was still suffering from pain in his shoulders and other parts of his body. We prayed for him and the pain began to go away. The young man ended up giving his life to Christ.
The believers in the prison are also part of our ministry team. I told them it’s very easy for them to visit other prisoners since they themselves live in the prison. They are the lights of the prison and the main means through which the Lord will transform lives. I’ve been encouraging them to ask the Holy Spirit to give them one person to minister to that they don’t know, or a person they know doesn’t like them. One prisoner called up 3 new people he had ministered to who had received Jesus.
The Holy Spirit gave us an impromptu drama to help the men understand their liberty in Christ and be renewed in their minds. One prisoner played satan and another played a Christian with little faith and knowledge of who they are in Christ. The drama caught the attention of all the men sitting in the courtyard as they watched satan’s tactic to make the Christian (or anyone) choose other ways to live life outside of Jesus’ will.
Every week is a little different. Toward the end of our visit, the Holy Spirit directed us to have the men form two lines facing one another. The believers prayed for one another, declaring the word of God over one another’s lives. It was a beautiful time.
Pray for the prison that the believers would be a light and carry God’s fire and love within the prison, and the Lord would open up new avenues of ministry within the prison.
Other updates:
For His glory and kingdom,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Blog Issues
So, we'd like to say that another baby is not on the way.
We will try to send out a new blog tomorrow. Hopefully, it's sent correctly.
Thank you for your understanding and concern,
Tyren and Tiffany
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Ministry and Visiting U.S.A.
Tania, Melissa and Rachel, missionaries at our center, are being involved in our weekly hospital ministry led by Victo. Being full of the Spirit and with a simple hug, we’ve watched emotional healing take place as one of the female missionaries hug a local Mozambican woman. Every week we pray for healing and salvations. At times, the Lord has given Tania a word of knowledge concerning sickness, or another a prophetic word concerning a person’s life and what the Lord desires to do with them. Even more enjoyable, is leaving a room full of patients and seeing the Lord restore joy and hope in the hearts of men and women (sometimes without being able to speak their language, Yao language).
Pray for more of God’s love and power within the Lichinga Hospital, that the Lord enlightens the darkness, and breaks the imprisonment of fear, sickness and spiritual blindness in the hearts of many that we encounter. Pray that the Christian staff realize their full potential in Christ, and begin to be used by God to demonstrate His kingdom on a greater level.
U.S.A. 2010
Jesus is wonderful. Please pray for us as we make plans to visit the U.S. this year, June – August. On the way, we’ll be spending a few weeks in Maputo to apply for Chayah’s passport, U.S. birth certificate and social security. Pray that the Lord will open doors to share and minister in churches concerning His kingdom and love, and the wonderful things He is doing in Mozambique. If you would like us to share at your church or for other events, please contact us early (email us) and let us know.
The Home Front
If true revival begins in the heart of the individual, then one’s family must be among the first to experience it. We thank God for drawing our hearts into deeper worship (as a family), and for being challenged by the Holy Spirit, ever so gently, to continually step deeper into the greater freedom and transforming power of love. The more we choose to love, the more we laugh at things that we used to think were problems that needed to directly and immediately be dealt with. (For instance, our anointed children decided to fill up a little container with spit, and use it as “oil” to oil the chains on their little toy motorcycles on our couch!) Of course we told them that it wasn’t a wise thing to do, but it was quite funny.
On 2/25, our beloved little Chayah turned 8 months. She can sit up by herself, but hasn’t quite stepped into crawling. She does find a way to pull herself off of her cushioned mat onto the cement floor to slap it with her hands (she likes drumming), or sneak an occasional lick if we don’t catch her.
We love you and hope to see you in June.
With love and joy,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Thursday, February 18, 2010
2010 - Fruitfulness is the Lord’s Increase
We would like to share with all of you, what we are focusing on and what we are praying about this year. One of the main things the Lord is bringing about in 2010 is FRUITFULNESS, His increase into our ministry. His way is simple, more love for more ministry. So, we’ll stay focused on the love that God has for us. Over time, we’ve been praying concerning things on His heart (2 Chronicles 7:14, 1 John 5:14-15), and cried out to Him to help us dream His dreams. This year, we’ve already started to see some of these things, and we are in expectation for more. The items below will give you an idea of what our hearts are focusing on. Dream with us, dream big (His love is that wonderful), because we are waking up to the expectations of God for our lives.
Children’s Ministry Center
Several missionaries from our center are working together to build a children’s ministry center in the village of Assumane. This will enable us to have a suitable, intimate place to minister to the village children, lavish them in the love of God and in the knowledge of Christ, and prepare them for the purposes and promises of God for their lives, generation and nation. Pray with us as we trust God for the vision, wisdom and finances to complete this project. A drawing of the proposed building is below.
Releasing the Fire
Releasing Harvesters into the Harvest – the Lord’s given us a greater desire and burden to take what we have and pour it into others to release them into the harvest and prepare people to enter the destiny of God for their lives through discipleships, intercession, personal ministry, etc.
Hospital Ministry
Friend and local Mozambican missionary, Victo, is heading up the weekly hospital ministry to love people, pray for the sick, encourage the staff and share the gospel.
Prison Ministry
Weekly services and ministry times in the prison, including projects and supporting prison hosted activities. Jesus is opening the prison doors to draw people to Himself and into the life He has for them both inside and outside the prison.
City of Lichinga
Several times during the week, Tyren is in the city, in the markets, on the streets, and in the stores preaching the gospel and demonstrating the kingdom of God in the power of His love to adults and children, the poor and disadvantaged, and people in business, sports, education and government. The Lord is saving, healing, encouraging and drawing people into the fulfillment of their life with Christ.
The Harvest of Children
Whether in the city or in the surrounding villages of Sanjala, Namacula, Utumuile or Assumane our hearts burn with a passion to see children come to Jesus and do whatever He wants them to do.
Thank you so much for your prayers and your support as you continually lift us up and work alongside of us to call a people to be holy unto the Lord and be carriers of His heart.
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tanzania - Testimonies of God's Work in Tanzania
From the first day I arrived in Mwanza, the Lord gave me peace to trust in Him for everything, and serve others. Usually, I had no idea what I would have to pay for and the cost of things until the day arrived. I paid for my own lodging every day. Then for the 10 days we traveled, I had to rent an 8 seater-truck and driver, pay for gas and even some maintenance of the vehicle, pay daily expenses and lodging for our ministry team of 5, buy food for lots of people and leave provisions with churches. I was astounded by the Lord’s provision, and praise Him for the opportunity to bless very many people with the natural provisions they needed (in some cases, just to live). Thank you very much for your amazing prayers and timely support (though no one knew what I needed) this past month. God used you to boldly bring His love and kingdom to a people who were in physical need and in great expectation of a move of God. The Lord was greatly exalted in more ways than I could describe in a blog. Hallelujah!
There are many testimonies I would like to share with you, but to keep things short, I selected testimonies from some of the places we ministered in to give you an overall view of Holy Spirit’s outpouring and work at the Iris churches in Tanzania. These testimonies are just the first fruits of the revival the Lord started.
Village of Kimbumba in Matofali-Buselesele (Pastor Benedictos’ church)
As soon as we arrived in the village of Kimbumba, the Lord showed me that the village was so ripe, it was like fruit on a tree that would fall if you barely touched it with the palm of your hand (that is, the Lord prepared the people’s hearts to receive Jesus when they would hear about Him). All they needed was the right invitation. So, the next two days, I taught the pastor and his church how to harvest the village, by living in the love that God has for us. Besides the instantaneous healings and the move of God in the church, Jesus did amazing things all around the village, even in the brothel where we had to sleep for 3 nights (this was the only place in the village for us to stay in, but it was of the Lord).
Less than two hours after arriving in the village, a group of children surrendered their lives to Jesus. When we first arrived, many of them were being naughty, trying to do things to our rented car. Immediately after they gave their lives to Jesus they stopped, and we didn’t have any problem with them for the next two days. They went around singing the worship songs we taught them. A few hours later, a prostitute received Jesus. I saw the glory of the Lord come upon her like a bright beam of light. Instantly, a painful tumor was removed (she went into the restroom to check).
Geta – Mkome Village
Pastor Zecharias pastors a growing church in Mkome, right on Lake Victoria. God did an amazing thing at this church. I’ll have to explain it like this…Pastor Zecharias was being insulted by other people and pastors because of the lack of money to support his church and the other Iris churches he oversees. The (Iris) pastors encouraged him to continue with Iris. For some reason, many people who had left the church came back during the first teaching session I held (this was actually a sign from the Lord). I taught twice on Saturday. Saturday morning, the Holy Spirit gave me a new message about the Father’s heart. Unknown to me, that word so deeply touched people’s hearts that the same day they told people all over the place that they needed to hear this message (I still don’t know how they spread the word so far in such a short time). The very next day, Sunday afternoon, pastors began to show up at Pastor Zecharias’ house unannounced with their church members. Others called in advance to let him know they were coming. These pastors lived far away, and hired transport to bring them to Pastor Zecharias’ church. They all told Pastor Zecharias that people from his church were telling everyone that they needed to hear this word about the Father’s heart.
Pastor Deus oversees the 55 Iris churches in Tanzania, but he mainly ministers at the “mother” church in Mwanza. The glory and the Holy Spirit’s fire (love) came upon this church too, and individual members of the church were released into their divine destiny. But, I want to share with you something that was occurring in the church well before I arrived there. The way the members of this church sacrificially offered their lives for one another touched my heart very deeply. A blind man took the money he begged for on the streets (in Kenya because their money is worth more than Tanzania’s), and gave it to Pastor Deus to go on a ministry trip. A woman, who has her own family, offered to start and run the church’s school for no pay (she offered herself simply because she found out Pastor Deus wanted to start a school). Then there are others who feed and provide things for one another, and others who move into another’s home to take care of them. It was truly amazing to see the love they have for one another and the way they sacrifice their lives for one another.
Pray that the churches in Tanzania will continue to receive God’s love for them, and continue to want Him more and submit to everything He desires.
To God be the glory,
Tyren and Tiffany
Photos: Pastor Deus, his wife, Elizabeth, and Apolo (worship leader) boarding the ferry on Lake Victoria
- Stuck in the mud with 9 people in the car and 5 huge bags of charcoal on top
- Some of the children that received Jesus in Kimbumba
- Woman being healed of tumor
- Our nice, little fire tunnel (prayer tunnel) before the Holy Spirit blasted the whole church (people were falling everywhere)