Sunday School in the Village: A few weeks ago I started Sunday School in the Assumane church. It starts at 9:00 and right after ending in prayer we start the regular worship service. For several weeks, we’ll be teaching on Jesus Christ and Salvation in order to establish the fundamentals in the hearts of the children. Since many of the children may not come every week, the same lesson is repeated twice before moving onto the next. This series will continue until we see that the children have a good understanding of Jesus Christ and the basics of salvation. The Lord is gracious in giving us the subject matter, dramatized teaching and activities. One Sunday, we even had lots of the adults in church join in to help the children make a paper chain activity.
Prayer for Assumane Church and Village: Please pray for the Lord to break the cycle of fear that is being imposed on muslims in the villages if they visit the Assumane church. Many visit and do not come back, but they welcome us to visit them and pray for them in the village roads and even at their houses. Assumane is such a beautiful village, and many people there are so kind and helpful. It would be wonderful for them to be free to attend the church if they so choose. What we’ve been informed of is that visitors to our church are told that if they continue to come to the church, when they die no one (their family) will bury them, and the church will just leave them to rot or burn their bodies instead of burying them. The people who attend the church trust the Lord, and know that the church community will bury them if they or their families do not have the means to do so. Pray for the Lord to give the Assumane church boldness, power and wisdom in bringing the love and truth of Jesus Christ to the individual people in the village. Pray that spiritual strongholds would be broken and light would replace darkness. The former leaders of the Assumane church are traveling outside of Mozambique, and for an undetermined time Tyren is overseeing the church in Assumane village.
Pray with us and for us as we cry out to experience more of the presence and power of God in the village, the hospital, the prison, the floorball teams and in the streets of Lichinga. Jesus is so wonderful- we just must have more and more of Him in our lives.
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
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