Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tanzania 2012 - Leadership Seminar “Casting Vision”

National leaders and their wives (including Pastor Deus
 and his wife, Elizabeth)

As with the Maasai Land ministry, only the Lord could complete the planning and activities of the training. Due to canceled flights and other things, once again our plans fell through. But, we rejoiced in the opportunity to depend upon God who wanted a training that only He could give. Giving the leadership training was an opportunity to partner with Iris Ministries Tanzania to train their national leaders, and give them tools to help strengthen and direct the ministry during a time when the Lord was expanding their vision. The theme of the seminar was “Casting Vision”, and I was able to have the main teaching written out and translated into Swahili. The 4 national leaders and their wives attended the leadership seminar. These leaders live hours outside of the city in villages, and many can’t afford school fees for their kids or even everyday practical things. But, thanks to the help of many generous people, their costs of travelling to the city weren’t an extra burden on them. We were able to pay for their full costs to travel to/from Mwanza, along with all of their meals and lodging for 5 days. This seminar was a time of spiritual and physical refreshing and strengthening, so it also included a women’s afternoon out in the city (each wife received a donation to enjoy her afternoon), and a Saturday luncheon for all of the leaders and their wives at a restaurant.

Eating out at a local restaurant

The presence of God was upon our meetings in a special way. I also covered such things as abiding, rest (Hebrews 4:10), and how to continue to minister in an outpouring. We experienced the first new waves of deeper worship and His presence that the Lord is bringing to Iris Tanzania. Before leaving Tanzania, I spent the last two days hanging out with Pastor Deus (relationship is an important part of ministry), and talking about how I can continue to partner with Iris Tanzania to help them walk in their destiny. For the last three years, the Lord has been pouring out life changing opportunities during my times in Tanzania. We will continue to partner with Iris Ministries Tanzania and continue to receive whatever the Lord desires to pour out upon us through His Holy Spirit. To God be all the glory.


Tyren and Tiffany Haynes

One of the meals that we ate during the training

We fed adults and children that attended the Sunday Church Service