Friday, July 8, 2011

Updates from the Haynes Family

We found extra large "lego" type blocks for Chayah
Surprises (Beyond What We Imagined)

We knew 2011 was going to be a year full of the Lord’s goodness and surprises. We were pleasantly surprised (ok...shocked) to find out that Haynes baby #4 is well on the way. Baby is due toward the end of this October. Yes, we’ll have the baby in Africa again.

By the way, Chayah turned 2 years old on June 25. Amerel will be 11 and Isaiah will be 8 in November.

We are in the process of “revitalizing” our new strawberry patch. We have a few strawberries now, but hopefully with a little manure, we’ll have lots more fruit. We actually have a peach growing on our very small peach tree – about 2 feet high (we just planted it a few months ago). We hope that our apple, masuko (like custard apples) and avocado trees, and our guava tree continue to grow. Our banana trees are doing well, and our second cluster of bananas are springing forth. Tiffany is now trying her hand at container gardening. Hopefully, I (Tiffany) can maintain this type of gardening better than the larger scale gardening I attempted earlier in the year!

Crackers made from the sour dough starter

Amerel has started using her recipe book to bake all sorts of things, mostly sweets. She made Chayah’s birthday cake. Tiffany has begun her own sour dough starter and has made pancakes, bread, pretzels and crackers with it thus far.

Bible School Teaching
Tiffany and I are both teaching once a week in the Bible School that started in June. I am really excited for Tiffany since she has a great teaching gift, and the Lord is giving her an opportunity to use it. Tiffany has been teaching on godly character.

Tiffany teaching at the Bible School
Lichinga now requires all cars to pass vehicle inspection. So, I’m (Tyren) in the process of tightening my emergency brakes and adjusting my rear brakes. I’ve never done this before, but that’s where prayer and the Nissan Terrano II handbook I downloaded from the internet will be put to great use (my Dad would be proud). Fixing my motorbike is another story. No one has been able to find/fix the problem. After a while when riding, the chain comes off, sometimes jamming the rear axle causing me to just slide…wheeeee! Getting a new motorbike is the solution for some. But, I am thankful for what the Lord gave me, and will try to continue to use it.

Please continue to pray with us and for us.  There are greater things that are yet to be revealed in the city of Lichinga and our ministry.


Tyren and Tiffany Haynes

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