Today, I, Tyren am off to Tanzania. Many people here have been praying, and giving me words of knowledge and prophecy about the trip. I am excited about all that the Lord has planned. If possible, I will try to contact Tiffany while I am in Tanzania, so that she can update the blog.
As of today, I only know that the first week will be spent in Mwanza. The Pastor told me that everything is taken care of. When the Pastor and I travel around to visit some of the churches, we’ll be staying in village guest houses. I don’t know what these will look like, but I did bring plenty of bug spray to protect my bedding while I sleep (smile). I was told that there is no public transport to these churches, and some are difficult to reach (because of roads). We’ll trust God to rent a car in Mwanza to reach these churches.
Please remember to continue to pray for the trip and the conferences that the Pastor and I will hold at the mother church in Mwanza, and the other churches in the districts. The Lord gave me a specific word for the churches, but someone prayed for me and told me to be ready for the words the Lord will give me for the specific moment. Here are a few of the things people have been praying and declaring over this trip: fire spreading across Mwanza, people less likely to be impacted will be impacted by the word, fresh rivers springing up in people’s hearts, people having a new start and experience that they never had before, boldness and courage…and there were many more things spoken and revealed as people prayed for me. Another person said that the Lord showed them a lion that was coming against me, but that it was fleeing. Prayer is a wonderful gift God gives us to protect ourselves as we advance His purposes on the earth.
Happy New Year to all of you. We bless you and may this year bring exciting new opportunities for us all, and open doors to experience the promises of His heart like never before.
Tiffany and Tyren Haynes