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Drilling the Bore Hole (~120 feet deep)
On June 11, a team of men, several trucks, a tractor and lots of equipment arrived at our house. About 6 hours later, the bore hole was dug and the pipes was installed and sealed. The bore hole is a little over 120 feet deep. The last 9 feet of the digging was through solid rock (the kind of rock that contains a lot of water). The Lord truly blessed this event. It was more like a casual meeting with friends rather than working through a business deal worth thousands of dollars. The Holy Spirit also gave several opportunities to share the gospel and further the work he was doing in people’s hearts. On Saturday, my friends and I dug holes, put up the ~15 foot steel tower, and then cemented the legs of the tower into the holes that were dug about 2 ½ feet deep into the ground. The tower was welding together in the city, and then transported by truck to our house. This week, the company plans to come back out and install the pump and tubing which will allow the water to be pumped up to a tank, and then gravity fed from the water tank directly into our house. The “House of God’s Pleasure” will have clean water from the aquifer running through it.
Namacula Outreach – Turning Hearts Toward the Lord
Before the film, our team talked with the people and played with the children. One man gave his life to the Lord before the film and preaching started. The main thing the Lord put on my heart for this outreach was to call His people to seek after Him with their whole heart and live lives to please the Lord. I shared a very brief word from Jeremiah 29:13-14. A large number of adults and children responded. Together we lifted up our hands, asked for forgiveness, and committed ourselves to seeking after our First Love. During the Jesus film, the generator stopped working and we weren’t able to continue even after we got the generator working again. But the Lord’s presence was there, and one of the missionaries led the children in worship (it was beautiful), and then we began praying for the sick and whoever else wanted prayer. We plan to go back some time to replay the Jesus Film, but I also want to hear testimonies from the people who received prayer for healing and those who committed themselves to seeking after the Lord.
Count Down to the New Arrival
The baby hasn’t come yet. We’ll definitely let you know when he/she arrives.
We really enjoy everything that we are doing as missionaries in Africa. We’ve enjoyed living here since we arrived in Lichinga. We do not find it a struggle, but rather it’s a joy both physically and spiritually. We are so happy that we made the decision to follow Jesus and come overseas exactly when we did. We are here with no regrets. Sure we don’t have lots of meat, cheese, ice cream or as much variety or quality of things as in the U.S. But honestly, our hearts are satisfied with the reality of the life we have with Jesus. We are full, abundantly satisfied and content in all ways. We even get to experience a level of community living and relationship with others that we never got to experience in the U.S. We are well, doing well, and are thankful for everything God is giving us, and we choose to continue to follow Him. There is so much the Lord has for us – Lichinga is just the beginning of our overseas journey.
All for Jesus,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
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