Monday, April 20, 2009

A Desperate Woman Believes God

This testimony is about many people believing in God’s word and acting on it. We find ourselves in His merciful hands, being prepared to experience more of His love and His glory.

A week ago, Easter Morning, I taught a Sunday message concerning how there can be no more delay (holding back, compromising, not giving God everything) because God said that He is no longer delaying (waiting any longer). He is going to reveal His glory. If we delay in resolving to live for God with everything we have, we’ll miss the waves of glory that He is sending to Lichinga. That very morning before church, I heard someone moving around, more than once, right outside the side door of our house. If it wasn’t for that noise, I would have never looked outside door. A woman that only speaks Jao was sitting quite a distance away from our house. She was hardly noticeable, sitting on a big rock behind some tall grass. To this day, I believe an angel or the Lord made the noise by the house, because the woman wasn’t by our house. I left the house and walked down the road to meet the lady. She presented me with her 8 year old son, Assido, who had a small, twisted hand for 6 years (he would also fall down and have seizures). The Holy Spirit reminded me about the word I had to teach that morning - that there can be no more delay because He is going to reveal His glory. So, I trusted the Lord and believed that the Lord sent the boy to be healed. I learned later that this woman asked permission from her husband, a head muslim of a certain village, to bring their son to our center for prayer because she heard that people who come here for prayer get the peace of God. In the local language of Jao, peace can also mean well-being (in other words, people get what they need from God to resolve their problem). The woman went to the witchdoctor, but the witchcraft didn’t work. (When people go to the witchdoctor, pacts are actually made to appease evil spirits and charms are worn as well).

Because the woman could only speak Jao, I walked with her down the road to the center’s Bible school where Victor and Gazani live. Victor is the only one that speaks fluent Jao, and he would be able to talk with the lady and learn more about her story. I carried her son, praying for him as we went and worshipping the Lord in the few words I knew in Jao. When I reached the Bible School, I saw Gazani and told him that I had an Easter present for Him. I presented the boy to Him and said, “This is your gift from God. As you pray for the boy, the Lord will heal him. Happy Easter!” I was completely serious. I prayed with them for the boy before leaving. It was late and I had to go to pick up someone on my motorbike and bring him to church.

To make the story short I’ll skip to end. This woman attended church and gave her life to the Lord. The church prayed for her, and other missionaries and church members prayed for her in her home as well. She wanted to leave her son with us so we could pray for him, but we thought it wise to pray for him in her home. (In that way, everyone could see that it was the work of God and nothing else). The next day, Monday, the lady told us that her son tried to use his twisted hand 3 times. He hadn’t done that in years. Over the past week, the arm had begun to slowly straighten out and he continues to touch things with his hand. His seizures have also ended! This past Sunday, she came to church with her son who continues to improve physically.

The Lord showed me His justice and righteousness being revealed in the light of His glory. What the Lord did with the little boy is His justice. He is judging situations and doing what He considers to be right. Will not the Judge of the whole earth do right? (Genesis 18:25). We are eager to see what else the Lord has in store for the people of Lichinga. We don’t know what His waves of glory will bring, but we do know that whatever God will do will be good.

This is just the beginning of new beginnings for us and others. We all know that Jesus wants all of our lives. He loves us that much. It’s harvest time, and the Lord is working on our hearts. Let’s sow together (lay down our lives), that together we may reap what Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, has laid down His life to receive.

Tyren and Tiffany Haynes

Friday, April 17, 2009


The night evangelism in Chiuaula was powerful. One of the things I enjoyed most was that several of the other missionaries at our center took part in the outreach. I actually typed my first document in Portuguese requesting permission for the event! After receiving the official authorization from the Chiuaula district, Victor and I passed out personal invitations and hung flyers around the main markets in Chiuaula to invite people to see the film. Before showing the Jesus Film, someone gave a testimony about how he came to accept Jesus as the his Savior and how He changed his life, and then Victor sung a song the Lord gave him to thank Him for all that He is doing in his life. After the film we preached the gospel, and many souls came to the Lord including lots of children. We also passed out leaflets called “The Two Paths” to help people make a decision between surrendering their lives to Jesus and living a life of sin. At the end, another one of the missionaries worshipped on the guitar as we prayed for people that needed healing, or wanted prayer for other reasons.

During this time of worship and prayer, another missionary had a thought about the presence of God in that field continuing to touch lives long after the outreach was over, but then thought it was just an idea in her mind. At the same time she had that thought (without saying anything about it), another young lady started declaring the same thing as she was worshipping on the guitar over the microphone. When I was told that, I immediately thought of how I was thinking of an open heaven over the event waiting to pour out the expectancy of the kingdom. We are all continuing to learn just how wonderfully the Holy Spirit loves to communicate His heart with His children. If only we learn to recognize His voice and respond.

(Tiffany writing) When Tyren made the decision to do the outreach at Chiuaula, I felt that doors began to be opened. Even before the outreach took place, the decision to do it caused these doors to be opened over that area…doors that will cause Jesus to be invited into hearts more freely than ever has been in the past. I also felt that strong and long standing spiritual strongholds over that place have been broken and will continue to be broken over that area. I felt that this was not just another ordinary outreach, but that God was and is doing something really big and great here. As though the angels were waiting for Tyren’s decision to do the outreach, and then began to rejoice as they were given assignments and dispatched into this area. I know that something big happened that will allow the greater purposes of God to be accomplished there. Please pray that God will direct us in future ministry in this region.

What’s Going On At Home
Last Saturday, we went along with the other missionaries at our center to Lake Niassa (about 1.5 hrs west of Lichinga) for a few hours to relax and hang out together. We have 3 more months before the little baby arrives (due date is the end of June). We hope to have a crib made or find a sturdy inexpensive one somewhere. This month, we hope to paint all the inside of the house, complete the kitchen counter and shelves, and hopefully finish the shelves for the children’s rooms. Of course, there’s more to do, but everything in its own time.

Please continue to pray that the Lord positions our hearts for His presence. We long to be humble, surrendered to His love that we may be prepared to receive Jesus who is desperate to release His greater glory through our lives and others in Niassa, Mozambique.

We love you,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes

End of Rainy Season (Latter Rains)

Now in Lichinga, the rainy season is just about over. During the days, it’s warm (70’s) but a cool air continues to blow. At night, the temperature drops considerably (sometimes in the 50’s). By June, it will be cool all day long. Since the latter rains (rains at the end of the rainy season) have ended, it means that people are now preparing to harvest their crops. Some of their crops, including the main staple of corn grew during the rainy season. The latter rains signal that harvest time is near. It means that crops such as corn (actually, maize-the type grown here) can begin its final stage of drying out before it can be harvested and milled into flour. This low nutrient flour is then boiled in water to make a very thick substance (like mashed potatoes). It’s eaten with vegetables. Rice is imported, and is more expensive. Usually February through March, more than other times, are times of hunger (skipping meals, not being able to eat every day, or simply not having enough food to eat) because people are waiting for their crops to fully mature in their gardens. People can’t always afford to buy the food in the market. See the photo we included with this blog. In the picture are most of the types of vegetables that are available in the market. We eat these all the time with rice, bread or noodles. Many of the packaged foods we buy are not made in Mozambique and must be shipped in from other countries.
Food Photo from left to right:Row 1: Bananas, oranges (green skins), cucumber, sweet potatoes, white potatoes (in front of sweet potatoes), egg plant, onions, carrots, tomatoes, eggs, bell peppers, garlic, white beans, peasRow 2: Rice, powered milk, bread, salt, vinegar, tomato paste, juice mix (like kool-aid), soy sauce, spaghetti, tuna, water purifier (on top of tuna cans), oil, cabbage, sugar, margarine and peanut butter.Not shown: white flour, jelly, bean leaves, avocado, pumpkin leaves, mango.
Spiritually, a harvest time is also going on in Lichinga. For us, the most important thing about harvest time is not what we receive, but it’s what the Father gets to receive through His redemptive work of love in Christ Jesus. The increasing presence of the Holy Spirit is like the latter rains that continue to help us grow and prepare our hearts for the Father’s harvest. Here in Lichinga, when the latter rains fall, we know that there can be no more delay. It is time for all that was sown to be harvested. The Father is looking to reap all that He invested in our lives. Through every season, He wants us, His children, to become more and more like Jesus.
Pray with us that we will not only bring in the harvest of souls, but also the harvest of people that will continue to seek the presence of the Lord here in Lichinga. In His presence, we believe we will see the fruit of people growing more in their relationship with God, people realizing their inheritance in Christ, and our brothers and sisters seeing the work of the Lord coming into full maturity in their lives.
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes