Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Beauty of Christ

When ministering in the market place, it's best to keep things simple:  let the Holy Spirit decide what ministry looks like and how it is done.  The reality of the kingdom is in the operation of the Holy Spirit.  As we put our faith in Christ alone, the Spirit of God freely moves, invading human hearts, and captivating people by the beauty of Christ that becomes irresistible to many who have refused the gospel in the past.

There is a well-known Muslim businessman and leader in our town who constantly mocks me and the gospel when I tell him about Christ. He refuses to listen.  One day, after having a normal conversation with him about love, husbands, and wives, I walked away.  The Holy Spirit gave me a picture in my mind of me hugging him.  Out of obedience, and love for the man, I went back to him and hugged him.  The presence of God came upon him.  He tried to speak, but couldn’t.  The next time he saw me he just looked at me and smiled, speechless (that’s never happened before), nodded his head and kept walking by.  But, I could see that his heart was full of many words.  It's great to witness the Holy Spirit surpass all defenses and impact this Muslim man by the love of the One he so readily denies - Jesus the Son of God.  Jesus actually has beauty (His love) that he is utterly attracted to.  Perhaps one day this Muslim’s heart will be open to receive the Word of the Lord.

At another shop, the storekeeper, who is an unbeliever, was jittery and jumping from one transaction with a customer to another without finishing the previous one.  Though I was pressed for time, I waited patiently and let the man know that I could come back later.  This man who literally couldn’t stand still, stopped everything.  He was actually attracted to our Jesus who is Peace.  He left all the people he was tending to, stood still in front of me, and actually calmed down.  “Why are you so calm?” he asked.  “Love has a way of bringing you peace,” I responded.  “Haven’t you seen a man who is in love with the woman of his dreams?  Well, that’s what the love of Jesus does for me.  He loves me.  His love brings me peace.”  He just stared at me completely relaxed and decided to call me his friend.  Then he returned to his jittery, anxious state helping customers.  But, in this Holy Spirit created moment, a seed was sown.

There are so many people who have heard about the gospel, but have never truly experienced it.  They are aching and desperate for Jesus, but they don’t know it.  Many claim to not want to hear about Jesus, yet their hearts are utterly attracted to His glory (His glory is beautiful and attractive).  He is the peace, joy and love they long for.  Pray that we’ll continue to allow the Holy Spirit to present Jesus as He desires so that people would find that their heart’s desire can only be satisfied in Christ.  Let us show the world the beauty of Christ that they never knew existed.

Love,  Tyren and Tiffany Haynes