Sorry, we weren’t able to update you until now. Mainly, it’s because the last 2 weeks and a half, I, Tyren, have been extremely tired and haven’t been able to do much of anything, ministry or working around the house. Using the internet, and even shopping was exhausting. The Lord told me to rest (for days…ahh), but it was worth it.
Summary of the Past Two Weeks
These last few weeks have been times of great testing, and as one person told us, God is stretching us, but it’s going to work out for our good. Sparing many of the details, here’s some of “hard-pressing” that occurred in the past two weeks. We were publically insulted concerning Chayah’s at home birth. I’ve been insulted in public twice, mocked and talked about, 3 times the Lord saved me from motor accidents (including a head on collision with a car that never moved out of my lane. Another time, I borrowed a friend’s car but the breaks wouldn’t stop the car quickly even after pumping them. The Lord saved me from ramming into a car that day and possibly injuring myself and others.) Then, Chayah stopped nursing for almost a whole day (for some reason). We sent a phone text to other missionaries to pray. Literally, as soon as I hit the send button (before the text was actually sent out), Chayah started nursing again like she had never stopped. Then, there are many other things we haven’t mentioned. We count it “pure joy” when we come into various trials (James 1:2), knowing that “our light affliction…is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. (2 Cor. 4:17)” Truly we are being hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed, perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down, but not destroyed. (2 Corinthians 4:8-9). Though we face many hardships, our only focus has been our prayer – God keep us focused on the great love you have for us. His love is and must be everything. There is nothing else that sustains us.
Glimpses of Love and Grace
In the midst of all the “hard-pressing and perplexing things” the Lord has been doing great things (of course). Yes, there’s Chayah eating again, and having my life and health preserved in more instances than we wrote about. There was also the great blessing of having a few people cook meals for us after Chayah was born. Also, the Lord showed me extraordinary favor when getting Chayah’s birth certificate here in Lichinga. I was brought to the front of a long line. Then, instead of waiting outside in the hot sun with everyone else, I was brought inside an office and given a chair. Then, a man inside the office put aside his other work and personally attended to me. He quickly completed the official birth certificate and sent me away cheerfully with a smile. I left the building, walking past a lot of people who arrived at the Town Registry long before me and were still waiting in line. Another day, I prayed for an employee at a store who had a toothache. Several days later when I saw him again, he told me that after I prayed, the pain went away and hadn’t come back. Hallelujah!!
The Family Is Well
Chayah is well, chubby, and gaining more weight. Tiffany is doing wonderful. Amerel and Isaiah are still “head over heels” that their little sister is finally here. They knock on the doorway of our bedroom early in the morning just to see if she’s awake. Oh, just before Chayah was born, we hooked up running water to our bathroom sink. Hopefully, we can include updated house photos in the next blog.
Pray with us and for us. Rejoice with us, as we cry out and contend to lay down our lives more for our Lord, ever looking forward to see a greater outpouring of the riches of His kingdom (love, joy, peace, righteousness, gentleness…) and His presence in Mozambique.
Because of His great love for us,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes
Phone numbers:
Tyren +258827413545
Tiffany +258827316365 (we are 6 hours ahead of EST. Example: 9 A.M. in N.Y. is 3 P.M. here)
Photos: Chayah at 25 days old
Crib with swinging bassinet