Monday, February 23, 2009

Administrative Note: Online Donating Is Now Available

Now You Can Donate To Us Online Through Our Church

Through our church’s website, you can now donate to us online. Instead of sending a check, you can choose to have your donation directly transferred from your account. Our church, Church of the Living God, will deposit 100% of your donation into our ministry account. If you have any questions, please call the office at 860-648-0520 and inquire about Online Donating. The URL for donating online is

Tyren and Tiffany Haynes

New Ministry At Hospital and To Hockey Team

On February 14 we baptized Amerel and Isaiah in a man-made fish pond (see photos). It was a beautiful occasion filled with joy. Victor assisted me in the pond. We praised God as Amerel and Isaiah followed Jesus’ command to be baptized (immersed) in water (Matt 28:19).

Ministering In The Hospital
Thank you for your prayers. We have received the official document permitting us to minister in the hospital of Lichinga! Hallelujah! Usually, every Monday afternoon, we’ll be going to the hospital to minister and spend time in the children’s ward, operations ward, and the women’s and men’s ward. We are so excited! We start today, 2/23/2009.
Ministering In The City
Join us as we continue to pray for the youth hockey (floorball) coaches. This week Victor and I started weekly meetings involving worship and teaching with the head coach and another player on the team. The floorball team was originally started by a Switzerland missionary to introduce young people in the sports arena to Christ, give them an opportunity to grow in their relationship with Christ, and prepare youth for other things the Lord has planned for them. My hope is that the head coach, who is a Christian, would have a passion for the Lord’s work within the sports arena.

An Opportunity to Bless Local Missionaries (who work alongside of us in the ministry)As part of our ministry here, we love to prepare the way for people to fulfill God’s call on their lives. One way we do this is to put tools into the hands of faithful people of God to further release them into the Lord’s work. For almost a year I’ve been desiring Victor and Gazani to have their own motorbikes. This would give them the opportunity and freedom to minister in the city and villages, and take another person with them to help train them in ministry. Victor is the main person that accompanies me in ministry and translates into Portuguese and Yao. Gazani is a fellow coworker in the Gospel. He has a heart for evangelism and seeing the body of Christ raised up to its full potential. Both Victor and Gazani are local Mozambican missionaries at our center who volunteer full-time. If anyone has a desire to contribute in part or in full please send us an email so we can set aside the money you donate for them. The cost of a motorbike is $700 U.S.
Please continue to pray that God would give us wisdom to minister effectively to others and also to lead our own children into the fullness that God has for them. We love you and thank you as you join us in pursuing the presence of the Lord and calling a people to be prepared for His glory.
In Christ’s love,
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ministry In The City

We’ve haven’t been able to update a blog in about 2 weeks, so we’ll get you caught up on everything we’ve been doing.

Ministering In The City
Last week, Victor and I went to minister in the central market. We began to preach to a couple of children. Other children were wondering what was going on and came over to listen. Several children that hadn’t received Jesus accepted Him! It started pouring rain, and without anywhere else to go or do, we brought the children to the side of the market, under the pavilion, and began teaching them about following Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. Then Victor started teaching the children a song to praise the Lord. As Victor lifted up his hands to worship the Lord, I was amazed to watch these newly saved children do the same, without shame or embarrassment although the market was crowded with people.

This past Sunday, while buying bread we asked three little girls if they knew about Jesus. The oldest said that she was muslim, but that we could tell them about Jesus. The two youngest ones said they wanted to receive Jesus while the oldest one stood to the side refusing. Then she said something and one of the other girls stepped away and sat down, but was still listening. We could see that she wanted to give her life to Jesus, but was too embarrassed and ashamed to do so because of the oldest girl. But, the youngest girl refused to leave and gave her life to Jesus even though the two older ones didn’t. I’ve seen these girls several times before and even bought them bread. Before leaving, we told the oldest one about the love of Jesus…even if she never received Jesus and wanted to be a muslim, we’d still buy her bread if she was hungry because of Jesus’ love for her. As we were driving off on the motorbike, the oldest girl was watching us. As we turned to look at them, she gave us a big smile and waved good-bye. Pray that the Lord Jesus would continue to touch her life.

For the second week, the coaches of the hockey team came to our church. I purchased bibles for all 6 of them – they were so excited. Soon, Victor and I (and most likely others), will start discipling the head coach Celio. We pray that the others will join in also. The Lord also put it on my heart to give Celio’s mom a Bible also. She was truly touched as we prayed for her and gave her a word of knowledge concerning some things the Lord was going to work in her life.

House and Family Life
There are a few minor leaks in the roof, but I’ve had to leave them for now to continue working on other things. We put a door on our bathroom (before we only hung a piece of material). Tiffany started school again with Amerel and Isaiah. Last week, Isaiah started guitar lessons (he has always loved the guitar and God has gifted him to play it). This week I started teaching Amerel on the keyboard (we brought mine back from the U.S.).
Wednesday, Tiffany and I met with a mid-wife from Holland, who is also a missionary with WYWAM. Tiffany also spoke with another missionary from Romania who is due this week and is planning to have a home birth. We were able to get another ultrasound here. We were surprised they had a machine here. But the overall facilities and care are nothing compared to what we are used to. For now, we are planning to have an at home birth.
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes

Ministry In The City

We’ve haven’t been able to update a blog in about 2 weeks, so we’ll get you caught up on everything we’ve been doing.

Ministering In The City

Last week, Victor and I went to minister in the central market. We began to preach to a couple of children. Other children were wondering what was going on and came over to listen. Several children that hadn’t received Jesus accepted Him! It started pouring rain, and without anywhere else to go or do, we brought the children to the side of the market, under the pavilion, and began teaching them about following Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. Then Victor started teaching the children a song to praise the Lord. As Victor lifted up his hands to worship the Lord, I was amazed to watch these newly saved children do the same, without shame or embarrassment although the market was crowded with people.