Sunday, July 3, 2011

Joy in the Prison and Fun in the Village

Joy in the Prison

...In your presence is fullness of joy…(Psalm 16:11)
One of the things that are dear to our hearts is the presence of God. In the prison, focusing on the presence of God (God Himself being in our midst) is the priority. God is using teaching, preaching, and other ministry to help the men experience the transforming power of God that brings them into their destiny. After sharing a word from the book of Isaiah to focus the men’s hearts on choosing the Lord’s ways to enter their destiny, I asked them to form two lines facing one another. In the midst of the presence of God they poured love and life into one another as they prayed for each others’ needs. I pray that the men would continue to pray for one another as their way of life. One man with pain in his head was healed. Another said he was healed from pain all over his body. I shook the man to make sure it was all gone. He started laughing, saying, “Yes, yes.” We thank God for the many amazing things that occur in the prison, but the greatest pleasure is just being with Him.

Assumane Fun Day

In June, we held our second Assumane Fun Day in Assumane Village. Maybe it will turn into an annual event. Members of The World Race, Annelisa’s discipleship group and the current Bible school students joined in the day of fun and lavishing love on kids. For some reason, we weren’t able to play the music over the sound system to summon the village to the event, which led to a smaller turnout than last year. But, we had lots of fun. One missionary, Don, added several races to the event. This year we added a few new stations: the parachute, a drum station and a small obstacle course.

The kids loved the idea of being pulled in sacks

The start of one of the races across the soccer field

May the Lord continue to stir our hearts for the greater things that He has yet to do in our city of Lichinga.
Tyren and Tiffany Haynes

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