Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Lord Gave a Dream about Tanzania 2011

The Lord speaks through dreams, and He also gives the interpretations. The Lord spoke to Tiffany about my upcoming Tanzania trip via a dream. We'll skip some of the details and just tell you the main points. The dream started like this...The first day of the conference started in a huge banquet hall and everything was being catered. Everything in the banquet hall was really nice. Tiffany was there eating. After the main meal, which was wonderful, the waiters began to serve dessert - vanilla soft serve ice cream in a dish (it was really good and creamy). Minutes later the waiters came out again, this time, serving the same ice cream in a dish, but dipped in chocolate (it had the hard chocolate coating). Tiffany thought to herself that if she had known they had the chocolate covered soft serve, she would have waited. Even though Tiffany already had a serving of ice cream, the waiters allowed her to have the chocolate covered one also. I was also in the banquet hall sitting next to Tiffany. Tiffany turned to me and said, "See, you got ice cream on the first day of the conference and you thought ice cream had to wait for the finale". Then she said, "God said that His beginning point for the conference (ie. ice cream) was what you thought that you would only be able to accomplish at the end. Lift your expectations for this conference. Your highest expectations will be My starting point and it will only go higher (get better) from there."

Actually, I was thinking about having ice cream, chocolate and other things on the last day (when I would be sure we could still afford them). But, I know that the Lord is going to do greater things (in teaching and ministry times, and in all of our hearts) than what I thought starting right at the beginning of the conference. I am praying for the Lord to help me raise my expectations. May He raise all of our expectations. The glory of the Lord will be there. I know all of us at the conference will be surprised, awed, full of joy and in holy expectation. Please pray for the conference and for me. May the Lord stir you up to pray beyond your own imaginations. It's going to be great!

To help you pray during the conference, here's a tentative plan of some things that will be going on. Please, just be sensitive to the Lord for the great things He'll share with you to pray about. I'm not sure how often we'll be able to give you updates during the conference, but we'll try to let you know about the great things the Lord will be doing.

May 5-9        In Tanzania, preparing for the conference. Buying initial food (for feeding pastors) and supplies. Meeting with Director
May 9-13      Pastors arrive, conference begins. Part one (Tyren's teaching and ministry) ends on May 13.
May 14-15    2nd part of conference. Director meeting with his pastors for fellowship, sharing vision, etc.
May 16         Pastors leave to return to their villages
May 16-18    After-conference activities (wrap up)

Blessings and love upon all of you who have been donating to Tanzania 2011. Thank you, thank you for all of you who are praying for the conference. You are truly helping to give these pastors a beautiful time, and a life changing encounter with the Lord.  Believe God!

Shout for Tanzania 2011! The Lord is going to do awesome things.


Tyren and Tiffany Haynes

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