Saturday, April 9, 2011


T A N Z A N I A  2011


May 4 - May 19, I (Tyren) will head back to Mwanza in northern Tanzania to serve the Iris Ministries churches and hold a seminar for the main Iris Ministries pastors/leaders. 

My wife and I believe that the Lord put it on our hearts to pay for the entire cost of the seminar. At the same time, He gave us faith to trust Him for what He is calling us to do. That includes feeding the pastors, lodging them, and paying their return fare to their villages. Many of these pastors hardly have money, and several that I had met in 2010 did not have a lot of changes of clothes (to say the least). We told them that if they can get to Mwanza we'd pay for their return fare. (The seminar is open to other pastors and leaders, but we are only providing lodging and paying the return fare for the Iris Ministries pastors/leaders.) God will be glorified. Our home church, Church of the Living God, in Manchester CT, which has graciously partnered with us by providing the costs of lodging and feeding the pastors.

Of course, we'd like to lavish these amazing pastors with more love by blessing them with small gifts.

We are asking for your prayers for Tyren and Iris Ministries Tanzania during what we believe will be a fun event, full of the power of God, and one that will have a lasting impact on the pastors/leaders and the communities in which they live. We also would like to extend an opportunity for those that would like to partner with us by sending a donation to help provide for the costs of purchasing special gifts for the pastors and helping with their return fare to their villages.

To donate, please see the information below. If you send a check, please include "Tyren and Tiffany Haynes" in the memo section and send us an email to let us know the amount you desire to give for Tanzania.

Activities in Brief
  • Tyren will arrive a few days before the seminar to spend time with the Director and help make final preparations.
  • Hold a 3 - 4 day seminar at the main church in Mwanza where the main Iris pastors and leaders will meet (~30 at most). The teaching of the seminar will be on God's love, glory and honor.
  • During the meetings, part of the teaching time will involve the Iris pastors (and others that attend) ministering out in the community
  • Provide food and lodging for only the Iris pastors/leaders during their stay
  • After the seminar, for 2 days, the Iris Director of Tanzania, Pastor Deus, will meet with his pastors/leaders for fellowship and to impart vision for the ministry.
  • Provide fare for pastors to return to their villages
  • If possible, give gifts to each of the Iris pastors (e.g. Iris Ministries T-shirt, bible, or shoes)
  • After the seminar, Tyren will spend a few more days in Mwanza with Pastor Deus before returning to Lichinga (and possibly visit an Iris Ministries church outside of Mwanza)
Donation Information
100% of your donation goes to this event

Send checks to:
Church of the Living God
199 Deming Street
Manchester CT 06042
(860) 648-0520
Include "Tyren and Tiffany Haynes" in the memo section of the check. Send us an email so that we know the amount donated for Tanzania.

You can also donate online at:
On the webpage, find our photo and then click on the link to donate online.

Thank you so much! For the glory of God,
 Tyren and Tiffany Haynes

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